
Com­pa­nies that have not sett­led the invoices of IPC Hor­mann GmbH despi­te mul­ti­ple reminders.

Com­pa­ny Name, Coun­try, City, Industry:

• Yu&Wei Import and Export Trade co. Ltd. Hong Kong, Mr. Wei

• Ing. Radek Toma­nek, Czech Republi

• Agro-Ves­t­plus s.r.o., Czech Republick

• West-East Meat Group, Pol­and, Mr. Bozyk

• Tai Shan Food Cor­per­a­ti­on Lin­mit­ed, Ms Sun­ny Chen

• Ken­dy Foods,  Ms Sonia Laba­raa, Neuil­ly sur Sei­ne, France